JM Hidden Heart

Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is:


We cannot be held responsible for the content of any pages referenced by an external link. Any data collected through this website will be treated as confidential in line with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 2018

Cookies and Website Traffic Analysis

This website uses third-party cookies to monitor use of the website including number of visitors, how frequently pages are viewed, and the country of origin of users. This helps to determine what is popular and can influence future content and development.  The information collected will include IP Address; country of origin; pages visited; browser type and operating system. The data collected does not identify any user personally.

Log files

Log files stored on our web server allow the recording and analysis of users’ use of the website. Log files do not contain any personal information.

Compliance with UK legislation

Users of this site are presumed to have opted in to the process of minimal data collection as outlined above.


This Website contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy policies of such other sites.  This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this Website.


© JM Hidden Heart.  All rights reserved.  Permission granted to reproduce for personal and educational use but commercial copying, hiring, lending is prohibited.

What data do we hold?

Those who have placed orders

Who has access to this data?

  •      Directors of JM Hidden Heart      
  • Our IT Consultant      

No other person/organisation has access to the data

How is the data stored?

 We store the address data in an electronic database, held on an internal server

How is the data secured?

 The database is password protected and backed up daily

Your Rights

 You have the right to request that your details be retained, removed or amended